Open map Xixón, Gijón (Asturias), España
Restaurants whose gastronomy has a high level and a multi-course menu. The best way to get to know its cuisine.
Gijón Gourmet Tasting: 50€/person.
A special menu consisting of at least:
Purchase our voucher and you will receive an email with your purchase.
From here, you will be able to send automatically and personalized the gift voucher to the person you want.
In it, you will find the instructions to redeem the gift.
Our vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase and can be redeemed directly at the establishment during all the dates in which there is availability within this period.
After this time, the voucher will have no value and will be canceled. Once the voucher has been purchased, you must contact the selected restaurant to make the reservation, indicating that it is a Gijón Gourmet Tasting.
It will be served to a full table, with a maximum of 8 diners.
Consult the hours and days of rest of the selected restaurant at
Participating restaurants:
Once the voucher has been purchased, you must contact the selected restaurant to make the reservation, indicating that it is a Gijón Gourmet Tasting.
Promotion applicable for full tables and for no more than 8 diners.
Special menú
12 months canjear
Once you have purchased the voucher you must contact the selected restaurant to make the reservation, indicating that it is a Gijón Gourmet Tasting Promotion applicable for full tables and for no more than 8 diners.
*Reservations under availability, with expiration of 12 months
- Abarike - C/ Melquiades Álvarez, 3 - Tfno:985 43 89 00
- El Cencerro - C/ Decano Prendes Pando, 24 - Tfno: 984 39 15 67
- La Nueva Zamorana - Avda. Hermanos Felgueroso, 40 - Tfno: 985 19 65 84
- Los Patios - C/ Instituto, 10 - Tfno: 985 87 96 35
- UME - C/ Santa Lucía, 13 - Tfno: 984 18 61 55
It is the buyer's responsibility, using this QR, to verify in your Wallet that the redemption has been correct. Our electronic verification system guarantees the authenticity of each voucher and prevents fraudulent duplication of locators. In case of forgery, only the first ticket presented will be considered valid.